Don’t get paranoid if the UCs request more information from you to validate information you have listed in your academic history, honors and awards, extracurriculars, volunteer work and community service, special programs, or any other topics. They are selecting students from a random sampling to send in proof or documentation about information listed on you UC application.
You’ll need to get documentation from your counselor, teacher, coach, or other, on letterhead. Everything needs to be received by the UC admissions office by January 31, 2022. Failure to respond will result in the cancellation of your application. This is a good heads up about not “puffing” (exaggerating or lying) about anything on your college applications.
Don’t get paranoid if the UCs request more information from you to validate information you have listed in your academic history, honors and awards, extracurriculars, volunteer work and community service, special programs, or any other topics. They are selecting students from a random sampling to send in proof or documentation about information listed on you UC application.
You’ll need to get documentation from your counselor, teacher, coach, or other, on letterhead. Everything needs to be received by the UC admissions office by January 31, 2022. Failure to respond will result in the cancellation of your application. This is a good heads up about not “puffing” (exaggerating or lying) about anything on your college applications.
The University of California received more than 200,000 freshman applications for fall 2021 – that’s an 18% increase from last year. This came as quite a surprise because we were expecting for applications to decrease due to the pandemic. With parents losing their jobs, students disillusioned about higher education, and uncertainty about careers and the future, most colleges have received fewer applications this year. So why did the UCs receive more applications than they have at any time in its history?
The UCs announced that they will NOT consider either the SAT or the ACT as part of their admissions requirements this year and in the future. Black applicants rose by 22% and Latino students by 12%. That’s about 45% of the total applications to the 9 UC campuses this year.
UCLA received the most freshman applicants, followed by UC San Diego, and then UC Berkeley. For transfer applicants, UCLA received the most applications followed by UC Irvine, then UC San Diego, and finally UC Berkeley.
In this ever-changing world of gender identities and appropriate or respectful pronouns, the University of California system has set a new policy for UC-issued documents and information systems. It’s comforting to know that California’s 3rd largest employer has recognized and supports transgender rights.
All students, employees, alumni, retirees, vendors, medical center patients and others will now have the option to choose man, woman, or nonbinary gender identification options on official documents. The really big change is that they can choose a “lived” name or a preferred name that might be different from the legal name on their birth certificate. The legal name will be required but it will be kept confidential and not published.
Worried about your UC applications? You’re not alone! There’s a lot of confusion with UC admissions, so I’ll clarify what is going on here. These are just temporary measures to help students who are dealing with closed high schools and cancelled SAT/ACT test dates.
1. Letter grades are NOT required for UC A-G courses for spring and summer 2020. So if your school has opted to offer only pass/fail marks, instead of grades, you’re still eligible.
2. UCs will calculate your GPA based on the grades you received in 10th and 11th grade (and the summers after 9th, 10th, and 11th grades).
3. SATs and ACTs will NOT be required for students applying during the 2020-2021 school year. This is only for this group of applicants (students graduating in 2021).
4. May 1st is still the deadline to accept offers to attend a UC this fall 2020.
5. If you need an extension for your final transcript (graduation 2020), UCs will be flexible. The deadline remains July 1st, but no student’s admissions offer will be rescinded for missing this deadline.
6. UCs will continue to give credit for students who have AP scores of 3, 4, or 5.
7. If your family is suddenly in a difficult financial situation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, contact your financial aid officers to discuss options.