Elementary School Curriculum
- ENG 010H-030H: English Grammar: Honors
- ENG 110H-130H: English Grammar: Honors
- ENG 210H-230H: English Grammar: Honors
- ENG 310H-330H: English: Honors
- ENG 410H-430H: English: Honors
- ENG 510H-530H: English Grammar/Medieval Literature: Honors
- ENG 540H-560H: English Grammar/American Literature: Honors

This course is designed to build word attack skills, English grammar, and vocabulary. The students will learn sight vocabulary and specifically focus on difficult words they find in their reading and research. The students will also write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. Merit students read 12 books that tie into their autobiographies and biographies of famous people studies. They also read award-winning books. The students do Kumon exercises to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary. The students will do daily grammar and writing mechanics exercises. The students practice printing, and good penmanship will be emphasized. In conjunction with Social Studies, the students will write a comprehensive autobiography. The research portion of the project will take place in Social Studies, and the writing mechanics, grammar, and spelling will be taught in English. The students will write an outline and 10-15 drafts to complete this project.
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This course is designed to build comprehension , grammar, and vocabulary skills. They’ll learn vocabulary and will specifically focus on difficult words in their reading and research. The students will write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. Merit students read at least 36 children’s books that tie into biographical studies, cultures, and folklore. They write 1-page critiques of all books read. The students also do Kumon English exercises to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary. The students will do daily grammar and writing mechanics exercises. The students practice printing, and good penmanship will be emphasized. In conjunction with Social Studies, the students will write a comprehensive biography. The research portion of the project will take place in Social Studies, and the writing mechanics, grammar, and spelling will be taught in English. The students will write an outline and 10-15 drafts to complete this project.

This course is designed to build reading comprehension skills, English grammar, and vocabulary. They’ll learn vocabulary and specifically focus on difficult words they find in their reading and research. The students will also write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. Merit students read 12 novels that tie into genealogy, cultures, and immigration. They write 1-page critiques of all books read. The students also do Kumon English exercises to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary. The students will do daily grammar and writing mechanics exercises. The students practice printing, and good penmanship will be emphasized. In conjunction with Social Studies, the students will write a comprehensive genealogy report. The research portion of the project will take place in Social Studies, and the writing mechanics, grammar, and spelling will be done in English. The students will write an outline and 10-15 drafts to complete this project.

This course is designed to build a strong foundation in reading comprehension, English grammar, and vocabulary. The students will learn vocabulary words and specifically focus on difficult words they find in their reading and research. The students will also write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. Merit students will read 12 novels that tie into Prehistory and Evolution. They will write 1-page critiques of all books read. The students also do Kumon English exercises to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary. The students will do daily grammar and writing mechanics exercises. The introduction and practice of good penmanship will be emphasized.

This course is designed to build a strong foundation in English grammar and vocabulary. The students will continue to review parts of speech and verb tenses in English grammar. They’ll learn vocabulary and specifically focus on difficult homonyms and other confusing words. The students will also write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. Merit students read 12 novels per trimester that tie into Ancient Civilizations and California History studies (for California students). They will write one-page critiques of all books read. The students also do Kumon English exercises to improve reading comprehension and increase vocabulary. They also participate in the Speed Reader program to increase reading comprehension, speed, and fluency. Good penmanship will be emphasized.

This course is designed to prepare the students to enter and successfully function in Merit Academy’s Middle School program. The students will continue to review parts of speech and verb tenses in English grammar. They’ll learn vocabulary and specifically focus on difficult homonyms and confusing words. The students will also write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. To improve reading comprehension and vocabulary, the students will do Kumon English exercises. They also participate in the Speed Reader program to increase reading comprehension, speed, and fluency. Good penmanship will be emphasized.

This course is designed to prepare the students to enter and successfully function in Merit Academy’s Middle School program. The students will continue to review parts of speech and verb tenses in English grammar. They’ll learn vocabulary and specifically focus on difficult homonyms and confusing words. The students will also write articles for the Merit Chronicle and they’ll participate in the yearbook compilation. To improve reading comprehension and vocabulary, the students will do Kumon English exercises. They also participate in the Speed Reader program to increase reading comprehension, speed, and fluency. Good penmanship will be emphasized. Introduction to Consumerism will also be covered in this course.

- HIS 010H-030H: Autobiography: Honors
- HIS 110H-130H: Biography Parents: Honors
- HIS 210H-230H: Genealogy Research: Honors
- HIS 310H-330H: Big Bang Evolution: Honors
- HIS 410H-430H: Ancient Civilizations: Honors
- HIS 460 US History and Literature: Honors
- HIS 510H-530H: Medieval Civilizations: Honors

In this one-year course, students will begin their comprehensive history program by starting with the most important person: the student! By spending the entire kindergarten year writing their own autobiographies, the students get to know more about themselves and they begin to learn how to calculate time. The students ask their parents to fill out a questionnaire that asks for details and dates about the students’ lives. They will make a ten-foot timeline of their lives including first teeth, first vacations, first books, etc. They will write their first drafts phonetically and look at photo albums to help them fill in the details.
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In this one-year course, students will select one parent to interview and to write a biography about. This course will teach students how to interview one parent and how to record the data. The focus of this course is to help students expand their center of the world to include their parents. By interviewing a parent, the students will learn how to organize information as they begin to fill out Merit’s questionnaire. The students write the biography in chronological order. The students will read 20-30 biographies of famous people throughout the year. The students are encouraged to visit their parent’s hometown and to interview this parent’s siblings and parents (if available). Looking through old family albums, heirlooms, and family records will make the biography much more interesting.

In this course, students will trace their family genealogy as far as possible. This course teaches students to research their family genealogy by constructing their family trees, to interview family members, to record data, and to write a genealogy research paper. The student will visit a local genealogy society to learn how to begin their genealogy research. The student will attend local history seminars to learn about research methodology. The student will take a trip to New York City to visit Ellis Island where they will learn more about what their ancestors experienced when they came from Europe to the United States. A tour through Angel Island in San Francisco will also give the students a contrasting perspective of what the Chinese immigrants experienced when they entered the United States from the West Coast. Each student will create a computerized family tree that will be displayed in classroom. Students are to draw family crests for each family and draw maps for each country of origin.

This one-year course provides an in-depth, exciting examination of the possible events that lead to the beginning of our universe from a scientific perspective and to rediscover the 14-billion-year journey through an opaque mass of gases that lead to human evolution. Studies will include how the earth was formed and how prokaryotic cells and photosynthesis brought life to our universe. Students will participate in the Merit Geographical Society to study geothermal energy and the Petrified Forest in Napa, California. Class work will be enhanced by field trips, guest speakers, college lectures, films, and fossil digs.

This one-year course provides an in-depth, exciting examination of the various historical, cultural, and economic developments that took place around the world during the Ancient Civilization. Studies will include geography, timeline, religion, quotations, journals, and essays. Book club selections that focus on Ancient Civilizations will be read, critiqued, and discussed in English 410H-430H. Students will participate in the Merit Geographical Society with the rights and responsibilities of active members. Class work will be enhanced by field trips, guest speakers, college lectures, films, and a tour of the Yucatan.

This one-trimester course provides students with an understanding of the reasons for studying history and of the relationships between the past and the present. They will develop an awareness of the ways in which we learn about the past and the methods and tools of the historian. Students will learn about the meaning of time and chronology and analyze the sometimes complex cause-and-effect relationships of ideas and events, recognizing also the effects of the accidental and irrational on history. There are reasons for both continuity and change and interrelatedness of Maps, economics, culture, belief systems, and political systems within history. They will cover the history of women, minorities, and the full range of social classes, not just the history of the elite or the notable individual. The students will also read historical fiction about American history.

This one-year course provides an in-depth, exciting examination of the various historical, cultural, and economic developments that took place around the world during the Medieval Period. Studies will include geography, timeline, religion, quotations, journals, and essays. Students will write comprehensive research papers under the careful guidance of their teacher. Book club selections will be read, critiqued, and discussed. Students will participate in the Merit Geographical Society with the rights and responsibilities of active members. Class work will be enhanced by field trips, guest speakers, college lectures, films, and a tour of Germany.

- MTH 010H-030H: Math: Honors
- MTH 210H-230H: Math: Honors
- MTH 310H-330H: Math: Honors
- MTH 410H-430H: Math: Honors
- MTH 510H-530H: Math: Honors

This three-trimester Kindergarten honors math program will prepare students for Merit Academy’s 1st grade math. This course will use manipulatives to provide students with hands-on spatial learning that builds a strong foundation in math. Looking at relationships between numbers and patterns in number sequences at an early age helps the students to enjoy the world of mathematics. In order to maximize the students’ exposure to each new concept, the students are required to complete all problems in each section of their workbooks. In addition to one-to-one instruction in math concepts, the students also do CoreBasixx or Kumon Math, which offer the students the opportunity to master mathematic areas where they may be weak to ensure success as they work their way through more advanced mathematics.
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This three-trimester 2nd grade honors math program will prepare students for Merit Academy's 3rd grade math. This course will focus on place-value exercises on paper. The students will examine charts and review addition and subtraction exercises with money. In order to maximize the students' exposure to each new concept, the students are required to complete all problems in each section of their workbooks. In addition to one-to-one instruction in math concepts, the students also do CoreBasixx or Kumon Math, which offers the students the opportunity to master math skills in their weak areas to ensure success as they work their way through more advanced mathematics.

This three-trimester 3rd grade honors math course will prepare students for Merit Academy's 4th grade math course. This course will focus on “borrowing” concepts. The students will study graphing and decimals as well as use computer and electronic math stations. In order to maximize the students' exposure to each new concept, the students are required to complete all problems in each section of their workbooks. In addition to one-to-one instruction in math concepts, the students also do Kumon Math, which offer the students the opportunity to master mathematic areas where they may be weak to ensure success as they work their way to Algebra.

This three-trimester 4th grade honors math course will prepare students for Merit Academy's 5th grade math course. This course will focus on multiplication and division concepts. The students will continue study graphing and decimals as well as use computer and electronic math stations. In order to maximize the students' exposure to each new concept, the students are required to complete all problems in each section of their workbooks. In addition to one-to-one instruction in math concepts, the students also do Kumon Math, which offer the students the opportunity to master mathematic areas where they may be weak to ensure success as they work their way to Algebra.

This three-trimester 5th grade honors math course will prepare students to enter Merit Academy's Middle School. This course will have three main components: math fundamentals, problem solving, and Kumon Math or CoreBasixx. In order to maximize the students' exposure to each new concept, the students are required to complete all problems in each section. In addition to one-to-one instruction in math concepts, the students also do Kumon Math, which offer the students the opportunity to master mathematic areas where they may be weak to ensure success as they work their way to Calculus. The students also tackle problem-solving and logic problems to apply their math skills and to think critically.

- SCI 010H-030H: Intro Science: Honors
- SCI 110H-130H: Intro Evolution: Honors
- SCI 210H-230H: Intro Ecology: Honors
- SCI 310H-330H: Earth Sciences: Honors
- SCI 410H-430H: How Things Work: Honors
- SCI 510H-530H: Intro to Anatomy: Honors

In kindergarten at Merit Academy, the students will be introduced to science. They will study nature, explore the solar system, learn about the scientific method, and follow directions for science experiments. They will learn how to conduct experiments to answer questions about chemistry, physics, and biology.
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In first grade at Merit Academy, the students will be introduced to the fundamentals of biological evolution. They will start by replicating Gregor Mendel’s famous pea plant study in order to see first-hand the ways in which genetics and morphology are connected. This experience will then be broadened, as students will apply what they have learned to studying animals in various habitats around the world, focusing on differences and similarities between species that live in the same area and those that populate different ones. They will examine how various traits in certain animals are adapted to those animals’ environment, and in this way they will begin to understand the fundamentals of evolution. In addition to the pea plant experiment, the students will put together a collage in which they categorize species according to habitat and present it along with a map displaying the regions around the world where each habitat can be found.

In second grade at Merit Academy, the students explore the plant kingdom, ecology, and life cycles to prepare themselves for geology and earth science in third grade. The students study plant physiology and habitats, the fundamentals of ecology and sustainability, and the life cycles of all types of organisms from bacteria to humans. They will learn about pollution, over-population, deforestation, and global warming. This will offer an opportunity for the students to lead a fundraising campaign to raise money to protect areas of the world affected by one or more of these problems. The students will also participate in several experiments and projects, including raising several types of animals in their studies of life cycles.

In third grade at Merit Academy, the students explore geology and earth sciences to complement their studies of the beginning of the universe, the formation of Earth, the first forms of life, and human evolution in their History class. The students will learn about plate tectonics, rock formations, evolutionary geology, volcanoes, rivers, minerals, rocks, and crystals. They will learn chemistry when they study the first forms of life, biology when they study cells and life forms, and physics when they study energy and the creation of the universe.

In fourth grade at Merit Academy, the students have the opportunity to explore how everyday appliances, machines, and equipment work. The students learn how things work by learning the theories and then dissecting the equipment to further examine them. Guest speakers visit the classroom each week to share with the students their expertise in each field. The students also go on field trips to tour facilities to learn more about their subject of the week. At the end of the school year, the students will have studied 36 different things.

In fifth grade at Merit Academy, the students are introduced to human anatomy. The students will spend the entire academic year learning about the organs and systems of the human body. The students will participate in many laboratory dissections of hearts, eyeballs, livers, and a fetal pig. The purpose of this introduction is to prepare the students for the biology and human physiology courses offered in 6th and 7th grades. College-level courses in biology, chemistry, and physics will be taken in high school. The students learn basic concepts of anatomy and the systems of the human body. They will use college anatomy books as a basis of information to accompany the Anatomy Coloring Book.

- SPA 010H-030H: Intro Spanish: Honors
- SPA 110H-130H: Intro Spanish: Honors
- SPA 210H-230H: Intro Spanish: Honors
- SPA 310H-330H: Spanish: Honors
- SPA 410H-430H: Spanish: Honors
- SPA 510H-530H: Spanish: Honors

This full-year course is a continuation of the Pre-Kindergarten Spanish class, SPA 48M, and is designed to teach students the Spanish vocabulary of body parts, weather, clothing, seasons, classroom objects, furniture, and food. Students will begin conversational dialogue with "Hello, my name is" ("Hola, yo so”y) and begin the dialogue of "How are you? I am well/bad" ("Como esta? Estoy bien/mal”). Students will learn the names for body parts and clothing. The teacher should be fluent in native Spanish and speak to the students in Spanish so that they pick up colloquial sayings and phrases. Students will increase their vocabulary with weekly vocabulary lists to reinforce a strong foundation that the students will need when entering Merit Academy’s intensive Spanish program in elementary school.
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This full-year course is a continuation of the Kindergarten Spanish class, and is designed to teach students the Spanish vocabulary of body parts, weather, clothing, seasons, classroom objects, furniture, food, colors, months, numbers, shapes, animals, fruits, vegetables, people, professions, things outside, things inside, bedroom objects, plants, leaves, flowers, things in the kitchen, and things in the room. Students will begin conversational dialogue with phrases using "Me gusta," "No me gusta", and "Esta es" and continue with "Hello, my name is" ("Hola, yo soy) and begin the dialogue of "How are you? I am well/bad" ("Como esta? Estoy bien/mal). The teacher should be fluent in native Spanish and speak to the students in Spanish so that they pick up colloquial sayings and phrases. Students will increase their vocabulary with weekly vocabulary lists to reinforce a strong foundation that the students will need for Merit Academy’s intensive Spanish program in elementary school.

This full-year course is a continuation of the 1st Grade Introduction to Spanish Honors class, and is designed to increase students’ Spanish vocabulary and teach them how to tell time in Spanish. They will learn how to relate time in hours, minutes, and seconds as well as describe the amount of time that has passed since (desde de) and use words that describe before and after. Students will continue conversational dialogue with phrases using “Me gusta," "No me gusta", "Esta es," and "Como se dice?" and begin using phrases like "estoy caminando/hacienda." The teacher should be fluent in native Spanish and speak to the students in Spanish so that they pick up colloquial sayings and phrases. Students will increase their vocabulary with weekly vocabulary lists to reinforce a strong foundation that the students need in Merit Academy’s intensive Spanish program in elementary school. Students will play oral matching games to match pictures with their words using flashcards and games.

This full-year course is a continuation of the 2nd grade Spanish class, and is designed to introduce the students to Spanish vocabulary, present tense of common verbs like ser and estar, and conversation. The students will learn vocabulary words that focus on objects and people around them. The use of this vocabulary in simple common phrases introduces students to the world of the Spanish language.

This full-year course is a continuation of the 3rd grade Spanish class, and is designed to introduce the students to Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and conversation. The students will learn vocabulary words that focus on their homes, families, friends and familiar concepts. Cooking classes, presentations, and daily dialogue introduce students to the world of the Spanish language.

This full-year course is a continuation of the 4th grade Spanish class, and is designed to introduce the students to Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and conversation. The students construct sentences and learn to conjugate the present tense regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Students will increase their vocabulary with weekly vocabulary lists and quizzes to reinforce a strong foundation that the students will need when entering Merit Academy’s intensive Spanish program in high school. Students will play games like Bingo, Pictionary, Word Search, and Boggle. By reading familiar children’s literature translations, the students will begin to understand the language and help the translation process. The students will converse with the teacher and other students to help build confidence in speaking a foreign language and improve their pronunciation and accent. The students will Spanish Writing: Write Sentences using their conjugated verbs to form paragraphs and short stories in the present tense.

Complete Curriculum Packages
- Kindergarten Complete Curriculum
- 1st Grade Complete Curriculum
- 2nd Grade Complete Curriculum
- 3rd Grade Complete Curriculum
- 4th Grade Complete Curriculum
- 5th Grade Complete Curriculum

Merit Academy's Complete Curriculum Framework: Kindergarten English Grammar: Honors Autobiography: Honors Math: Honors Introduction to Science: Honors Introduction to Spanish: Honors For a comprehensive description of all 5 courses, please visit each individual course.
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