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Are you a student who needs help managing your time and keeping track of your schedule? Is there just too much to remember and too much to do? The Merit Academic Planner is made just for you.
Other planners just don’t cut it. They don’t allow you to block off your time the way you actually use it and they don’t include enough space for evenings and weekends.
The Merit Academic Planner is more powerful. It breaks days down into 30-minute intervals so you can block off just the right amount of time for classes, homework, studying, eating and extracurriculars. Since we all have weekends and evenings, the planner includes just as much space for evenings and weekends.
The companion book—The 21st Century Mother's Guide to Managing Your Life and Taking Control of Your Life!—allows parents to guide their children in learning how to use the planner and how to manage their time.

Are you a student who needs help managing your time and keeping track of your schedule? Is there just too much to remember and too much to do? The Merit Academic Planner is made just for you.
Other planners just don’t cut it. They don’t allow you to block off your time the way you actually use it and they don’t include enough space for evenings and weekends.
The Merit Academic Planner is more powerful. It breaks days down into 30-minute intervals so you can block off just the right amount of time for classes, homework, studying, eating and extracurriculars. Since we all have weekends and evenings, the planner includes just as much space for evenings and weekends.
The companion book—The 21st Century Mother's Guide to Managing Your Life and Taking Control of Your Life!—allows parents to guide their children in learning how to use the planner and how to manage their time.

Are you a student who needs help managing your time and keeping track of your schedule? Is there just too much to remember and too much to do? The Merit Academic Planner is made just for you.
Other planners just don’t cut it. They don’t allow you to block off your time the way you actually use it and they don’t include enough space for evenings and weekends.
The Merit Academic Planner is more powerful. It breaks days down into 30-minute intervals so you can block off just the right amount of time for classes, homework, studying, eating and extracurriculars. Since we all have weekends and evenings, the planner includes just as much space for evenings and weekends.
The companion book—The 21st Century Mother's Guide to Managing Your Life and Taking Control of Your Life!—allows parents to guide their children in learning how to use the planner and how to manage their time.

You’ve heard stories about high schoolers with 4.0+ GPAs and perfect SATs being rejected from Harvard or Stanford. Some of these students also have long resumes filled with extra-curricular activities and club memberships. If they can’t get in, what kind of students are these colleges looking for?
To get into selective colleges, it’s not good enough to just get good grades and score high on the SATs. Anyone can study for a test and complete the work they’re assigned. Anyone can attend club meetings or show up for practice. These things don’t stand out any more.
What these admissions committees are looking for are students who also excel outside of the high school setting, students who demonstrate true creativity, initiative, and leadership, students who show the potential to become the next John Updike or Bill Gates.
How can you convince colleges that you have this talent and potential? The best way to do it is with an independent project—not just a class project that consists simply of posters and presentations—an original undertaking outside the classroom that reflects the student’s vision, initiative, passion, and tenacity.
What could this project be? Ideally the project should reflect a student’s current passions and future aspirations. Students have started businesses, organized non-profits, written publications, produced films, conducted experiments, influenced politics, and advocated for change.
This book guides the student through the entire process of doing a college project—from brainstorming to implementation to fruition. With examples of other projects that students have completed, the students learn how to plan each step, how manage their time to get it done, and how to present it on college applications to leave admissions committees dazzled.

This guide takes parents step-by-step through everything they’ll need to know about starting up childcare in their home—from planning to execution. After hiring a caretaker and enrolling a few other children, the business can operate at no cost to the parents.
When it comes to childcare, parents today feel like they’re forced into making a big sacrifice. Of course, they want the best for their children, but the best childcare centers have the longest waiting lists and the highest costs, so many parents end up settling for something less than ideal.
Parents need to know that there is a way they can have top-notch childcare, and they can have it in their home at no cost. Following the guidelines in this book, anyone with a little motivation can set up their own at-home childcare, building the top-notch, stimulating environment that their children deserve. Besides setting up the ideal preschool program for your child, you can also arrange to have meals prepared, the house cleaned, laundry done, and errands completed before you get home from work!

You don't need to be a Tiger Mom to take control of your kids' education and get them into Stanford. In "Our Entitled Children: An American Tiger Mom's Story," visionary educator Susan Tatsui-D'Arcy reveals a more practical approach to raising the kind of children that Ivy Leagues covet.
Everyone wants to raise successful, high-achieving children, but for many parents today, America's predominant style of coddling, helicopter-style parenting seems like a recipe for just the opposite. As a third-generation Japanese-American, Susan scrutinizes the American instinct to entitle one's child to a life of as little hardship and failure as possible. She offers a provocative analysis of where our parenting culture has gone wrong, as well as a wealth of insight on how we can fix it.
As an American Tiger Mom, Susan departs from the Tiger Mom approach in many ways. She encourages her kids to socialize and to adopt personal interests, hobbies, and causes, in order to build self-confidence and promote empowerment. Rather than force her daughters to play the violin for hours on end, she embarks on a journey to start a top-notch private school - Merit Academy - just for them.
Susan's story crackles with witty observations and charming anecdotes as she details her quest to provide her daughters with a world-class education. She explains how she was able to give them one-on-one class sizes, pair them with passionate teachers, expose them to amazing leaders of science and industry, encourage them to make a difference by doing Projects, and more - without paying for any of it herself.
Always affable yet frank, Susan seeks to help America's beleaguered parents by giving them a thorough account of her attempts to raise her daughters the right way. Through it all, she looks back and wonders if she has ultimately been successful, or if her girls, as highly accomplished as they both are, have turned out to be entitled despite - or perhaps because of - her best efforts. More than just an inspiring tale of old-fashioned American ingenuity and entrepreneurship, "Our Entitled Children: An American Tiger Mom's Story" paints a remarkable portrait of the modern American family, and is an invaluable resource that any parent can take something away from.

This how-to book is filled with easy to understand instructions and photos to show you each step. We include variations on braids so you can mix and match with other designs to make your braids unique to you! We give you the tools you need to create dozens of braided hairstyles for any occasion. This is the only braid book you'll ever need!

More and more women pursue active lives outside their homes. Between their careers, their families, and their personal lives, mothers today juggle a staggering load of responsibilities. Not surprisingly, many are seeking a solution to take back their lives.
This guide takes mothers through all the steps they’ll need to restore order and organization to their life and the lives of those around them. The program emphasizes time management, careful planning, and ongoing communication with family and coworkers.
First, the Merit Planner is introduced—a separate daily planner that even includes evenings and weekends. (the Merit planner can be purchased at this website too.) Mothers are guided to enter all their regular commitments into the planner. But there’s also an eye for the bigger picture; long-term goals are entered next and then they are broken into more manageable subtasks. Next mothers are shown how to coordinate with the other members of their family and how to get them organized too. Three chapters are devoted to cooking, housekeeping, and shopping. There is a fun chapter dedicated to scheduling “time for you,” as well as a chapter on maintaining motivation and a chapter on miscellaneous ways to better utilize time. After following these steps, you’ll be amazed at how much more time you have and how much more in control you feel!

The target audience for this book includes teenagers from ages thirteen to eighteen. The information is specifically written for girls; however, it may prove to be interesting to boys as well.
This book is divided into four chapters that will chronologically cover advice spanning from the initial sparks to the end of the relationship. There is also information about contraception, pregnancy, STD’s, and birth control.
D'Arcy discusses typical scenarios that girls and their friends may have already encountered and some they may have not. Fictional stories are also added to illustrate the reasoning for my tips.
The information in this book is useful and practical. The statistics on teenage problems were gathered from surveys taken by teenagers across the United States. With both the surveys and D'Arcy's own personal experience, she tries to create helpful and informative advice to guide teenagers through a challenging and exciting time in their lives.

Are you stressing over the dilemma of whether to buy a live Christmas tree or one that’s made of plastic? Buying a live tree each year is a wasteful tradition that contributes needlessly to deforestation. But a plastic tree just feels artificial; you can’t enjoy the fresh smell of real pine in your house.
This book walks you through the simple steps to build your own solution—the EcoTree. What is the EcoTree? It consists of a wooden “trunk,” made of 2” x 4”s, which is attached to a wooden base. Simply drill holes in the trunk and then place pine branches into each hole. With the EcoTree, you can make your tree using your choice of tree branches. Each Christmas, you adorn the “trunk” with fresh-cut pine branches. Never again will you have bare sports on your Christmas tree; all you have to do is drill another hole in the trunk and place a branch into the hole to cover the bare spot. When you’re done, the EcoTree looks and smells just like a real Christmas tree—the only difference is that you aren’t killing a tree each year. Just like a real Christmas tree, you can hang ornaments on it and place presents beneath it. The whole family will enjoy the scent of fresh pine but no one will notice the difference

While I was traveling in Costa Rica with my mom, I ran out of bobby pins and needed to find a way to keep my hair off my neck. It was 90 degrees! So I invented the weave (a way to French braid my hair and then weave the tails back through my hair.) The braided weave was tight and held in place without pins. And, amazingly, it looked really cool! Everyone came up to me and stared at my braided weave. They couldn’t figure out how I did it, when they saw it.
After creating the Weave while in Costa Rica, I have designed hundreds of cool braids for all kinds of hair types. Whether you have short or long hair, straight or frizzy hair, one length or layered hair, you’ll find braid designs that will look good and work with your hair.

Here's a practical resource to help you gain control of your busy life, so you can do all the things you have to do and still find time for the things you want to do.
Here is a book and planner for women who run households or work outside the home. When your home life runs smoothly, so does the rest of your life. With the forms, checklists, tips and techniques in this book, you'll be able to quickly organize your household.
Here's a sample of the help you'll find inside:
- Techniques to streamline household chores
- Fast ways to reduce clutter and do away with disarray
- A fast shopping/menu list to organize meals for an entire week
- No-fail strategy to remember important dates throughout the year
- A simple form to make car-pooling a breeze
- Forms and checklists to help you painlessly plan birthday parties and formal events
- Information and forms to ensure you can really relax on your vacation
- Everything you need to find quality child care, schooling, and elder care for your loved ones
- A moving survival kit-from cleaning up and packing to settling into your new home
- Forms and checklists to help you organize your assets, wills, and other important documents
- A Disaster Plan organizer that helps you be prepared for any emergency

Feel like there’s too many little things to remember when you’re running back and forth from work, to home, and to pick up the kids?
This mini-organizer provides checklists, calendars and worksheets to organize your daily responsibilities and important events, all in a handy, portable design that fits easily into your purse.
Use it to streamline household chores, cut down on clutter, shop more efficiently, remember important dates, plan events, and—most of all—to regain precious time for yourself and your loved ones.
Don't miss the complete companion resource, Busy Woman's Organizer, which features an expanded array of tips, techniques, checklists and forms to help you get organized in every aspect of your life.

The only wedding planner specifically designed to meet the needs of today's busy working woman, The Working Woman's Wedding Planner has helped more than 400,000 happy couples plan and enjoy their dream weddings.
This newly updated and expanded edition of the classic all-in-one planner walks you though every detail, from engagement to honeymoon, giving you expert tips and advice to ensure that every aspect of your celebration is perfect. Best of all, scores of ready-to-fill-in charts and checklists save you time and effort every step of the way, helping you accomplish your wedding planning within even the busiest work schedule.
The Planner includes a complete six-month calendar to keep you on schedule; a 31-point budget checklist to help you estimate costs and trim excess spending; sample wedding invitations; plan-ahead lists for photographer, reception, entertainment, honeymoon, and out-of-town guests; ready-to-use seating charts; wedding-theme and vow suggestions; and everything you need to enjoy complete peace of mind on your special day.