hoarding Archives - Merit Educational Consultants

First it was PPE. Then it was toilet paper. Now it’s paper towels? I get there being a run on PPE – after all, it is the personal protective equipment that medical and front-line responders need to stay safe while doing their jobs. I never understood why toilet paper became scarce, and now paper towels?

I have a solution: DON’T USE PAPER TOWELS AT ALL!

Paper towels are the most wasteful product invented by companies like Proctor and Gamble. Before their relatively recent invention, we used cloth towels. They’re much more absorbent and stronger than any paper towel – even the “Quicker Picker Upper.” They can be washed and dried with your towels, and then reused hundreds of times. See my blog about Cloth vs Paper Towels: No Contest!

I even carry a cloth towel in my purse and in my car so I have one everywhere I go. If public restrooms don’t have an air dryer, I just pull out my cloth towel and wipe my hands. After touching the faucet (ooh, cooties!), I safely dry my hands.

Check out my YouTube video on simple ways to reduce paper waste. So if people start hoarding paper towels, just cut up old cloth towels and you’ll be all set for 10 years!


September 16, 2020

Hoarding paper towels? I’ve got a simple solution.

First it was PPE. Then it was toilet paper. Now it’s paper towels? I get there being a run on PPE – after all, it is the personal protective equipment that medical and front-line responders need to stay safe while doing their jobs. I never understood why toilet paper became scarce, and now paper towels?

I have a solution: DON’T USE PAPER TOWELS AT ALL!

Paper towels are the most wasteful product invented by companies like Proctor and Gamble. Before their relatively recent invention, we used cloth towels. They’re much more absorbent and stronger than any paper towel – even the “Quicker Picker Upper.” They can be washed and dried with your towels, and then reused hundreds of times. See my blog about Cloth vs Paper Towels: No Contest!

I even carry a cloth towel in my purse and in my car so I have one everywhere I go. If public restrooms don’t have an air dryer, I just pull out my cloth towel and wipe my hands. After touching the faucet (ooh, cooties!), I safely dry my hands.

Check out my YouTube video on simple ways to reduce paper waste. So if people start hoarding paper towels, just cut up old cloth towels and you’ll be all set for 10 years!


March 23, 2020

Can’t Get Hand Sanitizer? Make Your Own!

Can’t buy hand sanitizer because selfish people are hoarding them? You’re not alone. We couldn’t find hand sanitizers at any stores or online, so we made our own! It’s super easy and inexpensive.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer

¾ cup Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl 99%)
¼ cup Aloe vera gel
10 drops of Teatree essential oil or Lavender essential oil (or lemon juice)

Make enough so you can carry one in your purse/bag and put one in your car, office, kitchen, and entrance to your home. I collected bottles left over from other projects and made labels so everyone knows what’s in it.
