Supervisor Manu Koenig Archives - Merit Educational Consultants

To all Firewise communities and all of those who live in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas, I’ve recorded our entire NRG Firewise Event presentations for you to share with your neighbors and communities. Our 2.5-presentation includes the experts to discuss 17 poignant topics to encourage residents to prepare for wildfires.

NRG Firewise Event AGENDA

Hearing from Supervisor Manu Koenig, OR3, Central Fire, CalFire, Sheriff, ARES, CERT, ER doctor, MURS leaders, RCD, road associations, equine evacuation, Calif Fair Plan, and more, all in one place gives lots of information in an entertaining fashion. We even interviewed our vendors so our community could see innovative solutions offered in products and services.

NRG Firewise Event VIDEO

Let’s reach out to our neighbors and communities to work together to mitigate wildfires from destroying our lives. We can do this!

May 8, 2022

One-Stop Event to prepare for Fire Season – Watch the video!

To all Firewise communities and all of those who live in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas, I’ve recorded our entire NRG Firewise Event presentations for you to share with your neighbors and communities. Our 2.5-presentation includes the experts to discuss 17 poignant topics to encourage residents to prepare for wildfires.

NRG Firewise Event AGENDA

Hearing from Supervisor Manu Koenig, OR3, Central Fire, CalFire, Sheriff, ARES, CERT, ER doctor, MURS leaders, RCD, road associations, equine evacuation, Calif Fair Plan, and more, all in one place gives lots of information in an entertaining fashion. We even interviewed our vendors so our community could see innovative solutions offered in products and services.

NRG Firewise Event VIDEO

Let’s reach out to our neighbors and communities to work together to mitigate wildfires from destroying our lives. We can do this!