need-based admissions Archives - Merit Educational Consultants

For those who think a college education is too expensive, here’s some good news. Some colleges like Grinnell College has just announced that they will eliminate college loans and replace them with grants – that’s free money that you don’t have to pay back!

Grinnell has an endowment of over $2 billion and they will make this offer to over 50% of their students who need financial aid. While it might appear that they’re doing that in response to COVID-19, they’re planning to keep this generous plan going forward.

There are about 45 colleges that are “need-blind” and offer enrollment to students who need financial support.


November 19, 2020

45 colleges offer “need-blind” admissions – that means no loans!

For those who think a college education is too expensive, here’s some good news. Some colleges like Grinnell College has just announced that they will eliminate college loans and replace them with grants – that’s free money that you don’t have to pay back!

Grinnell has an endowment of over $2 billion and they will make this offer to over 50% of their students who need financial aid. While it might appear that they’re doing that in response to COVID-19, they’re planning to keep this generous plan going forward.

There are about 45 colleges that are “need-blind” and offer enrollment to students who need financial support.