Our president just signed an Executive Order (EO) that claims that ANTI-RACISM is the real racism. Huh? Knowing that we’re all distracted and overwhelmed by the onslaught of headline news, Trump just signed an order that has stopped ethnic and diversity training in government agencies, and diversity and ethnic studies programs in colleges that rely on federal funding.
I read the entire Executive Order 13950 because everyone seems confused by what at first blush seemed like a positive plan to stop offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating. I had to reread it because he often contradicted his statements in the same sentences!
Many colleges have suspended classes and programs that teach diversity to embrace our differences. Local, state and federal agencies have stopped requiring anti-racism trainings. Military and federal contractors have been banned from conducting diversity training. Why? They all need federal funds and can’t afford to lose them by violating this EO.
This EO is filled with double talk. It claims that anti-racism and anti-sexism efforts are the real examples of racism and sexism. Trump admitted that the goal of the EO is to prevent WHITE MEN from getting hurt by these diversity training sessions that cause them to feel discomfort, guilt, and anguish because of their race or sex. Seriously? He recently tweeted, “Sorry liberals! How to be Anti-White 101 is permanently cancelled!”
Concepts such as “critical race theory” and “white privilege” are now prohibited from being discussed in federal instruction programs. The order prohibits unconscious or implicit bias training, and is “prohibited to the extent it teaches or implies that an individual, by virtue of his or her race, sex and/or national origin, is racist, sexist, oppressive or biased, whether consciously or unconsciously.”
With a simple signature, our president just suspended training programs and ethnic awareness courses that we have spent decades establishing to stop discrimination in schools, workplaces, and government agencies. What’s most appalling about this is that he framed this EO to make it appear to prevent racism. Read between the lines and vote so your voice is heard.
Our president just signed an Executive Order (EO) that claims that ANTI-RACISM is the real racism. Huh? Knowing that we’re all distracted and overwhelmed by the onslaught of headline news, Trump just signed an order that has stopped ethnic and diversity training in government agencies, and diversity and ethnic studies programs in colleges that rely on federal funding.
I read the entire Executive Order 13950 because everyone seems confused by what at first blush seemed like a positive plan to stop offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating. I had to reread it because he often contradicted his statements in the same sentences!
Many colleges have suspended classes and programs that teach diversity to embrace our differences. Local, state and federal agencies have stopped requiring anti-racism trainings. Military and federal contractors have been banned from conducting diversity training. Why? They all need federal funds and can’t afford to lose them by violating this EO.
This EO is filled with double talk. It claims that anti-racism and anti-sexism efforts are the real examples of racism and sexism. Trump admitted that the goal of the EO is to prevent WHITE MEN from getting hurt by these diversity training sessions that cause them to feel discomfort, guilt, and anguish because of their race or sex. Seriously? He recently tweeted, “Sorry liberals! How to be Anti-White 101 is permanently cancelled!”
Concepts such as “critical race theory” and “white privilege” are now prohibited from being discussed in federal instruction programs. The order prohibits unconscious or implicit bias training, and is “prohibited to the extent it teaches or implies that an individual, by virtue of his or her race, sex and/or national origin, is racist, sexist, oppressive or biased, whether consciously or unconsciously.”
With a simple signature, our president just suspended training programs and ethnic awareness courses that we have spent decades establishing to stop discrimination in schools, workplaces, and government agencies. What’s most appalling about this is that he framed this EO to make it appear to prevent racism. Read between the lines and vote so your voice is heard.
California high school students may be required to take a one-semester ethnic studies course as part of their high school graduation requirements. This comes on the heels of the Black Lives Matter upheaval that has caused our nation to rethink systemic racism. By offering a class that explores the cultural and historical history of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, all students will learn about the people who make up the America population and not just the Eurocentric history that is laid out in their history books.
I remember wondering why the internment of the 120,000 Japanese Americans (US citizens!) during WWII was never mentioned in my US History class. Or why textbooks described how the Atlantic Slave Trade brought millions of “workers” from Africa, and didn’t address the inhumanity of enslaving Africans and selling them like livestock when they arrived between 1500-1800.
Critics of the high school curriculum say that the course leaves out Armenians and Muslims. I’m sure other groups will come forward with other complaints of omissions but this is a good step in the right direction. Maybe this course could include “Lies my Teacher Told Me; Everything Your American History Textbook got Wrong” by James Loewen. Let’s include ethnic studies in all US high school curriculum – I believe it will help us appreciate our differences. Another avenue to consider is interracial marriages – that forces the conversation and creates a “melting pot” of beautiful children.
Amidst the escalation of the Black Lives Matter BLM movement, resurgence of humanitarian refugee and immigration decisions, and the rise in white supremacy groups, the California State University system (23 colleges) just approved an ethnic studies and social justice course to be included in their general education requirement for a bachelor’s degree. It’s about time schools include discussions about race, discrimination, and equity.
I believe that these discussions should start in kindergarten and continue as part of the curriculum framework through 12th grade. Children are not born with hatred about people who are different from themselves; they are taught these awful biases from family, friends, neighbors and community. By learning about various ethnicities and religions at an early age, I hope children will grow up appreciating cultural differences. In middle and high school, students should learn about the history of discrimination in the US and the world. They can be encouraged to support people who are shunned, and they can start projects to stop injustices from happening.
I applaud the CSU system for recognizing the need to educate students about social justice issues that have spiked and run amuck. I do hope that these courses will be incorporated in the K-12 curriculum to start these important discussions while children are formulating their life-long opinions.