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I remember back in the 60s and 70s when my generation’s slang was a unique form of communication created to exclude the “square” older generation. It was kind of like speaking in Pig Latin as a code during slumber parties and in elementary school. Well today, a clever high school teacher created a slang dictionary of Generation Z’s vocabulary.

Unlike our generation where we used completely different words, Gen Z teens add a little gangsta for some of their phrases – “Witchu” for “with you.” But they also use clever phrase like “spill the tea” for “gossip – as in something you do while having tea with gossipy old ladies.”

One thing for sure: our English language constantly changes –whether we like it or not – so take a look at this slang dictionary to get up to speed with the Gen Z. In order to communicate with these young people, we need to understand their new slang.


May 15, 2020

Gen Z Slang Dictionary

I remember back in the 60s and 70s when my generation’s slang was a unique form of communication created to exclude the “square” older generation. It was kind of like speaking in Pig Latin as a code during slumber parties and in elementary school. Well today, a clever high school teacher created a slang dictionary of Generation Z’s vocabulary.

Unlike our generation where we used completely different words, Gen Z teens add a little gangsta for some of their phrases – “Witchu” for “with you.” But they also use clever phrase like “spill the tea” for “gossip – as in something you do while having tea with gossipy old ladies.”

One thing for sure: our English language constantly changes –whether we like it or not – so take a look at this slang dictionary to get up to speed with the Gen Z. In order to communicate with these young people, we need to understand their new slang.
