Preschool Curriculum
Art and Music
- ART 18M: Intro Art Music
- ART 24M: Intro Art Music
- ART 30M: Intro Art Music
- ART 36M: Intro Art Music
- ART 48M: Intro Art Music

At 18 months, children enjoy art and music. Merit Academy's introduction to music gives children the opportunity to explore the world of music by listening to children's music as well as classical music. Children are encouraged to listen to a wide variety of music. Merit's art program stimulates the children's tactile awareness as well as their visual awareness. The children create art by using paints, pens, paper, and clay.
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At 24 months, children begin to enjoy creating art and playing and listening to music. Merit Academy's introduction to music gives children the opportunity to explore the world of music by listening to children's music as well as classical music. Children are encouraged to listen to a wide variety of music. Merit's introduction to art includes experimenting with colors, shapes, and mediums. The children explore how different art tools create different effects.

At 30 months, children begin to enjoy creating art and playing and listening to music. Merit Academy's introduction to music gives children the opportunity to explore the world of music by listening to children's music as well as classical music. They begin to learn the lyrics and sing along. The children are encouraged to dance to the rhythm of the music. Merit's introduction to art exposes the 30-month-old children to new mediums. The children explore how different art tools create different effects. They create colors by mixing paints or colored clay. The goal is to give children the artistic license to express themselves using all kinds of materials.

Merit's introduction to music gives children the opportunity to explore the world of music by listening to classic children's songs as well as classical music. Children are encouraged to listen to a wide variety of music. They learn the lyrics and sing along. The children are encouraged to dance to the rhythm of the music. The children explore how different art tools create different effects. They create colors by mixing paints or colored clay. The goal is to give children the artistic license to express themselves using all kinds of materials. They learn how to make facial expressions and sound effects. Playing a variety of games, the children learn improvisation techniques. They also participate in a puppet show. Learning how to uses their facial expressions, voices, and body movements, the children learn how to communicate with others without using words.

Merit's introduction to music gives children the opportunity to explore the world of music by listening to classic children's songs as well as classical music. Children learn the lyrics to songs and sing together. The children copy the masters (Picasso, Van Gogh, Matisse, Rothko, and Monet) using tempera watercolors on canvases. They also learn how to mold clay into shapes and then glaze their bisque pieces. This project expands the children's understanding of the multi-step process. They also learn how to make patterns using mosaic tiles. By squiggling glue lines, the children experiment with sprinkling colored glitter to create exciting art. The children explore how different art tools create different effects. They create colors by mixing paints or colored clay. The goal is to give children the artistic license to express themselves using all kinds of materials.

- ENG 18M: Reading Readiness
- ENG 24M: Reading Readiness
- ENG 30M: Reading Readiness
- ENG 36M: Reading Readiness
- ENG 48M: Reading Readiness

The focus of preschool is to prepare students to read by introducing them to reading-readiness skills. These skills will help the students develop a strong foundation on which they will eventually learn to decode words, read fluently, and communicate through writing. The students develop their strong eye-hand coordination, vocabulary, pronunciation, and communication skills.
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The students in Merit’s Reading Readiness Program continue to prepare for reading by participating in activities that develop reading-readiness skills. These skills will help the students develop a strong foundation on which they will learn to decode words, read fluently, and communicate through writing. The students develop strong eye-hand coordination, vocabulary, phonetic sound development, and communication skills.

The students in Merit’s Reading Readiness Program continue to prepare for reading by participating in activities that develop reading-readiness skills. These skills will help the students develop a strong foundation on which they will learn to decode words, read fluently, and communicate through writing. The students develop strong eye-hand coordination, vocabulary, phonetic sound development, and communication skills.

Merit’s Preschool Program teaches the preschoolers to read using phonograms, letter sounds, and sight words. The students develop strong eye-hand coordination to prepare for writing, and continue to fine tune their auditory and visual discrimination skills. They also increase their vocabulary and improve their language development. By reading a large collection of classic literature, the students are sure to love reading.

Merit's ENG 48M Reading Readiness Program teaches the pre-kindergarten children to read using phonograms, letter sounds, and sight words. The students develop strong eye-hand coordination to prepare for writing, and continue to fine tune their auditory and visual discrimination skills. They also increase their vocabulary and improve their language development. By reading a large collection of classic children's literature, the students are sure to enjoy reading. This program is designed to prepare students to enter kindergarten.

- MTH 18M: Math Readiness
- MTH 24M: Math Readiness
- MTH 30M: Math Readiness
- MTH 36M: Math Readiness
- MTH 48M: Math Readiness

This 24-week toddler math course will focus on grouping skills. The children will recognize the differences between colors, sizes, and shapes. By learning how to distinguish the differences between similar objects, the children will be ready to count the objects in the next MTH 24M course.
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This 24-week preschool math course will continue to build grouping skills. The children will recognize the differences between colors, sizes, and shapes. Merit Academy’s math program is designed to introduce mathematical concepts to the children when they are developmentally ready to learn them. After the children learn how to group various items, they will learn how to count them.

This 24-week preschool math course will continue to build grouping and counting skills. The children will recognize the differences between colors, sizes, and shapes. They will learn how to count to 20. By playing with coins, the children will learn the names of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. At Merit Academy, the children become aware of time by recognizing and naming different periods of time (ie, morning, noon, afternoon, and night). Next, they learn how to tell time (on the hour). By receiving an introduction to telling time, counting money, and counting, the children will gain confidence in these areas and will be prepared for MTH 36M and MTH 48M.

This 36-week preschool math course prepares the students for the P48M Math course. The children create patterns using blocks, links, and rubber stamps. After they have learned how to count to 20, the children learn how to count to 100. In order to prepare the children to understand mathematical concepts, they begin to play with the concepts of addition and subtraction by playing word games. The children add and subtract up to five. The teacher also introduces the concept of time by reminding the children to look at the clock periodically during the day. After learning the names of coins in the MTH 30M course, the children learn the value of each coin in this course.

Merit Academy’s pre-kindergarten math readiness course is designed to provide the students with hands-on learning to build a strong foundation in math. Looking at relationships between numbers and patterns in number sequences at an early age helps the students to enjoy the world of mathematics. Students use an abacus, blocks, Unifex Cubes, and Cuisenaire Rods to learn addition and subtraction concepts. Games are played to reinforce recognition of numerals. They use blocks to count and group by twos, fives and tens. Exercises with manipulatives help the students to see these relationships between objects. The pre-kindergartners play computer math games, which help build their understanding of numerals, patterns, grouping, and counting skills. The pre-kindergartners learn how to tell time by the hour by using clocks. They also learn the names and values of coins by playing money games.

Physical Education
- PE 18M: Intro Movement
- PE 24M: Intro Movement
- PE 30M: Intro Movement
- PE 36M: Intro Physical Education
- PE 48M: Intro Physical Education

At 18 months, Merit Academy introduces a series of exercises to develop children’s fine and large motor skills. The children play games that encourage the usage of various muscles in their bodies. In addition to working on large motor skills, the children also work on their fine motor skills. These fine motor skills will help prepare them to write. Merit also introduces basic gymnastics. By using all of their muscles to do whole-body movement, the children become aware of how their bodies can move. Merit also encourages children to use their imaginations while they play. Using props, the children role-play and develop interpersonal and social skills.
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At 24 months, Merit Academy continues to provide a series of exercises to develop the children’s fine and large motor skills. The children play games that encourage the usage of various muscles in their bodies. By mastering these skills, the children prepare to learn how to play sports. In addition to continuing to work on large motor skills, the children also work on their fine motor skills. These fine motor skills will prepare them to write. Merit also introduces new gymnastics moves at 24 months. By using all of their muscles to do whole-body movement, the children become aware of how their bodies can move. They continue to master the summersault and learn how to stand upright at the completion of each somersault under the careful guidance of their teachers. Next, they do Jumping Jacks, which requires balancing. Merit encourages children to use their imaginations while they play. By giving the children props and suggestions for imaginary role playing, the children launch into their own fantasy world.

At 30 months, Merit Academy continues to provide a series of exercises to develop the children’s fine and large motor skills. The children play games that encourage the usage of various muscles in their bodies. They begin to trace shapes on a light board to fine tune their handwriting skills. These fine motor skills will prepare the children to write. They continue to master the summersault and stand upright at the completion of each summersault. Next, they begin to learn how to do backwards rolls under the careful guidance of their teachers. By giving the children props and suggestions for imaginary role playing, the children launch into their own fantasy world. They enjoy pretending that they are cooking, serving food, cleaning, taking care of babies, etc. Using props, the children role-play and develop interpersonal and social skills. The children learn to play Hide ‘n Seek, Simon Says, and Twister. This helps build their auditory processing skills and their ability to follow oral instructions.

At 3 years old, Merit Academy provides and introduces a series of exercises to develop the children's large motor skills. The children play games that encourage the usage of various muscles in their bodies. By mastering these individual skills, the children are introduced to a variety of sports and games. The children also play on the swings and see saws, and they ride tricycles and two-wheelers with training wheels. By doing somersaults, backward rolls, and cartwheels, the children learn how to move their bodies to perform gymnastics skills. Merit encourages children to use their imaginations while they play. By giving the children props and suggestions for imaginary role playing, the children launch into their own fantasy world. Using props, the children role-play and develop interpersonal and social skills. The children play Steal the Bacon, Red Light, Green Light, Hide 'n Seek, Simon Says, and Twister. This helps build their auditory processing skills and their ability to follow oral instructions.

At 4 years old, Merit Academy prepares the children to enter kindergarten. Merit's gymnastics program includes summersaults, backward rolls, cartwheels on the mat, and an array of work on the balance beam. The children learn how to move their bodies to perform gymnastics skills. Merit encourages children to use their imaginations while they play. By giving the children props and suggestions for imaginary role playing, the children launch into their own fantasy world. Using props, the children role-play and develop interpersonal and social skills. The children play Steal the Bacon, Red Light, Green Light, Hide 'n Seek, Simon Says, and Twister. This helps build their auditory processing skills and their ability to follow oral instructions. The children also learn how to ride two wheelers with and without training wheels. By mastering these individual skills, the children participate in a variety of sports and games.

- SCI 18M: Intro Science
- SCI 24M: Intro Science
- SCI 30M: Intro Science
- SCI 36M: Intro Science
- SCI 48M: Intro Science

At 18 months, children begin to recognize the permanence of objects. To teach the concept of object permanence, the children play games where they watch the teacher cover an object and then they uncover it to find the object again. They also learn the concept of cause and effect as they push buttons to see what happens. By filling a cup with beans, the children begin to learn spatial development. Exploring their world by playing games introduces science to the children.
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At 24 months, toddlers recognize the permanence of objects. To teach the concept of object permanence, the teacher places a medium-sized box inside of a large box, and then a small box inside a medium-sized box. The children find the small box. They also learn the concept of cause and effect as they turn gears to see what happens. By stacking blocks, the children learn spatial development along with other cause and effect concepts. Exploring their world by playing games introduces science to the toddlers.

Merit Academy’s science program for 30-month-old children focuses on measuring skills, science projects, and computer skills. Using measuring cups, the children learn that two half cups equals one cup. As they play with rice, beans, and water, they kinesthetically learn measurement concepts. The children participate in science experiments that introduce botany, magnetism, colors, olfactory senses, and shadows. Weekly experiments make science exciting. The children also play computer games (memory) to build their memories and to learn basic computer skills.

Merit Academy's science program focuses on animals, anatomy, experiments, and computer games. The children learn about a variety of animals, birds, mollusks, and crustaceans. They also learn to name human body parts by playing games and studying anatomy charts. By conducting experiments each week, the children will begin understanding the scientific process. They'll experiment with gases, color combinations, magnetism, cooking, solar energy, electricity, and botany. In order to learn about taking care of a pet, the children will raise a hamster. They'll give the hamster food and water, clean its cage, and play with it each day. Families will rotate the responsibility for caring for the hamster each weekend and over the summer. The children will play computer games that will introduce a variety of animals; they'll learn about their habitat, what they eat, and where they live. At three years of age, Merit Academy preschoolers begin to explore the world of science.

Merit Academy’s science program offers an introduction to spiders, insects, amphibians, and reptiles. The children learn what differentiates each group by their anatomy, reproduction, feeding, and life cycles. By reading books, singing songs, and watching documentaries, the children are able to discuss the similarities and differences between insects and spiders, and between amphibians and reptiles. The children conduct hands-on examinations of a variety of spiders, insects, amphibians, and reptiles. They build homes for and feed their subjects. The children will play computer games to learn about their habitat, what they eat, and where they live. At four years of age, Merit Academy pre-kindergarteners begin to explore the world of spiders, insects, amphibians, and reptiles.

Social Skills
- SOC 18M: Social Skills
- SOC 24M: Social Skills
- SOC 30M: Social Skills
- SOC 36M: Social Skills
- SOC 48M: Cultural Awareness

In this six-month course, toddlers begin to explore the social work around them. They begin each day by sharing one of their toys or stuffed animals with other children or the teacher. By describing their prized possession, they’re developing language skills as well as sharing skills. They learn to listen to other toddlers and they learn patience and how to take turns. The toddlers also begin to explore their bodies. By learning the names of their body parts, they recognize that everybody has the same anatomy. They take turns role playing to begin to recognize how other people and animals interact with the world, and they imitate faces and sounds to learn the art of mimicking. The toddlers also participate in cultural and religious celebrations by hearing stories, doing art projects, playing games, and tasting new foods.
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In this six-month course, toddlers begin to explore the social world around them. They begin each day by describing an object. By describing these objects, they’re developing language skills as well as sharing skills. They learn to listen to other toddlers and they learn patience and how to take turns. The toddlers also continue to explore their bodies. By learning the names of their body parts, they recognize that everybody has the same anatomy. They continue to take turns role playing to begin to recognize how other people and animals interact with the world, and they imitate faces and sounds to learn the art of mimicking. The toddlers also participate in cultural and religious celebrations by hearing stories, doing art projects, playing games, and tasting new foods. Learning how to dress themselves, the children begin to learn self-sufficiency skills and independence. By working on these social skills each day, the children begin to learn the art of interacting with others in a social environment.

In this six-month course, toddlers begin to explore the social work around them. They begin each day by sharing one of their toys or stuffed animals with other children or the teacher. By describing their prized possession, they’re developing language skills as well as sharing skills. They learn to listen to other toddlers and they learn patience and how to take turns. The toddlers also begin to explore their bodies. By learning the names of their body parts, they recognize that everybody has the same anatomy. They take turns role playing to begin to recognize how other people and animals interact with the world, and they imitate faces and sounds to learn the art of mimicking. Learning how to dress themselves, the children begin to learn self-sufficiency skills and independence. By working on these social skills each day, the children begin to learn the art of interacting with others in a social environment.

In this course, preschoolers explore and interact with the social world around them. They begin each day by describing objects they bring to class and by reading the calendar. They learn how to read maps and they learn the names of all 50 states. The preschoolers also participate in cultural and religious celebrations by hearing stories, doing art projects, playing games, and tasting new foods to prepare them for the SOC 48M Cultural Awareness program. In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, the toddlers learn safety tips each week including how to deal with strangers. Each preschooler learns their full name, address, phone number, parents’ names, and how to phone home. They are also becoming independent by taking care of all of their personal hygiene tasks themselves. They learn to listen to other toddlers and they learn patience and how to take turns. By working on these social skills each day, the children begin to learn the art of interacting with others in a social environment.

In order to prepare for kindergarten, the pre-kindergartners continue to improve their social skills learned in Merit Academy’s SOC 18M, SOC 24M, SOC 30M, and SOC 36M courses. They fine tune their ability to describe people and things, to name the states, to recite their personal identification, to be aware of safety tips, and to take care of their own self sufficiency skills. This cultural awareness course also introduces students to cultures from around the world. By learning about cultural festivities that take place throughout the year, the students will become familiar with customs, traditions, costumes, and foods of people who are different from themselves. This will give the students the opportunity to experience the traditional celebrations of world religions and cultures.

- SPA 18M: Intro Spanish
- SPA 24M: Intro Spanish
- SPA 30M: Intro Spanish
- SPA 36M: Intro Spanish
- SPA 48M: Intro Spanish

Spanish is introduced at 18 months to give the children exposure to a foreign language. The Spanish teacher speaks to the children in Spanish only and does not teach any of the other classes. This helps the children to learn two languages (English and Spanish) with minimal confusion between the two. The teacher gives oral directions in Spanish and the children learn simple responses in Spanish.
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At 24 months, Merit Academy continues to teach Spanish to give the children exposure to a foreign language. The Spanish teacher speaks to the children in Spanish only and does not teach any of the other classes. This helps the children to learn two languages (English and Spanish) with minimal confusion. The teacher gives oral directions in Spanish and the children learn simple responses.

At 3 years old, Merit Academy children learn new Spanish phrases to help them communicate in Spanish. They learn simple phrases like "My name is _______," "How are you?," "I need to use the bathroom," and "I am hungry." They also learn the Spanish alphabet. The children begin to learn Spanish vocabulary. The teacher gives oral directions in Spanish and teaches the class solely in Spanish.

This full-year course is a continuation of Merit Academy’s SPA 36M Introduction to Spanish class, and is designed to prepare the children to enter Merit Academy’s Kindergarten next year. The children review the Spanish alphabet, and they learn the colors and numbers (1-12). They will begin conversational dialogue with “Hello, my name is” (“Hola, me llamo”). The class is taught in Spanish and the children learn phrases to use in response to typical questions. The teacher also reads stories to the children in Spanish.

Complete Curriculum Packages
- 18 Month Complete Curriculum
- 24 Month Complete Curriculum
- 30 Month Complete Curriculum
- 36 Month Complete Curriculum
- 48 Month Complete Curriculum

Merit Academy's Complete Curriculum Framework: 18 Months Introduction to Art Reading Readiness Math Readiness Introduction to Movement Introduction to Science Introduction to Social Skills Introduction to Spanish For a comprehensive description of all 7 courses, please visit each individual course description.
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Merit Academy's Complete Curriculum Framework: 24 Months Introduction to Art Reading Readiness Math Readiness Introduction to Movement Introduction to Science Introduction to Social Skills Introduction to Spanish For a comprehensive description of all 7 courses, please visit each individual course description.

Merit Academy's Complete Curriculum Framework: 36 Months Introduction to Art Reading Readiness Math Readiness Introduction to Movement Introduction to Science Introduction to Social Skills Introduction to Spanish For a comprehensive description of all 7 courses, please visit each individual course description.

Merit Academy's Complete Curriculum Framework: 36 Months Introduction to Art Reading Readiness Math Readiness Introduction to Movement Introduction to Science Introduction to Social Skills Introduction to Spanish For a comprehensive description of all 7 courses, please visit each individual course description.