Okay, I know nobody wants to talk about who will make their end-of-life decisions. I avoided this topic for decades. Even when I went to write my own ADVANCE DIRECTIVE, I found all kinds of excuses for why I couldn’t fill in the blanks and state when it would be time to pull the plug on me. I even wrote a comprehensive will designating exactly who gets what so there would be no disputes after I die. But having to clearly lay out precisely at what point I don’t want any life support was gut-wrenching to me.
While my daughter Nicole was in medical school at Stanford, she wrote a song and created a musical video, “Ode to Advance Directive,” that clearly stated why everyone should complete an Advance Directive. It wasn’t until I heard her perform the song before her Class of 2008 that I realized that I was being selfish by not writing and signing my advance directive. If I was to become incapacitated — you know, brain dead — without an advance directive, my husband Rob and my daughters would have to make the decision.
Undoubtedly, this would be very difficult and no matter what they decide collectively or separately, they would suffer anxiety from having to make this call. That’s when I finally got up the courage to read through the advance directive forms and fill in the blanks. I had it notarized at my credit union and placed it in my safe deposit box. Now I know that if the time comes for them to make my end-of-life decision, they’ll be able to do it because they’ll know exactly what my wishes are for that situation. The last thing I want to do is create strife between my family. So, write yours! Here is a link to the forms. Just do it!
Please watch this music video and pass it along to your family and loved ones. It’s the best parting gift you can give them.