Who Kills More Americans? Terrorists or Americans with Guns? - Merit Educational Consultants

Who Kills More Americans? Terrorists or Americans with Guns?

My kids call me a softy because I go out of my way to get my bug catcher to remove spiders from my house without killing them.  Because I don’t like touching creepy crawling critters, I’ll devise contraptions to pick up worms on the driveway and ladybugs on my desk to put them out of harm’s way.  Yet, I muse about how I (we) flinch when we hear about a school shooting or any mass shooting – for a few hours, or even days, then we move on. We have become so de-sensitized to gun violence that we don’t do what we need to do to STOP PEOPLE FROM SAVAGELY KILLING ONE ANOTHER.

If you’re like me, you’ve heard the media and watched the victim’s families sob after each mass shooting episode, but did you know the real statistics about gun violence?  I didn’t, and I’m dumbfounded by it.

US deaths by guns caused by TERRORISTS since 2002 = 17

US deaths by guns caused by AMERICAN WITH GUNS since 2002 = 11,101

We have spent nearly ONE TRILLION DOLLARS and lost civil liberties and personal privacy in the name of stopping terrorism, when Americans with GUNS is clearly our real problem. Check out this BBC article “Guns in the US: The statistics behind the violence” to see how outrageously blinded we are as a nation. It seems obvious to me that we need to lock up the guns and make it difficult to have possession of any firearm but a hand gun. 
