With the high cost of a bachelor’s degree and the competitive market to get in to top colleges, students and families need to consider other careers. Not every student has the aptitude to become doctors, engineers, or lawyers. When students often end up back at home after enjoying 4 years of an elite undergraduate education, many parents regret spending their retirement savings on an education that doesn’t land their children high-paying jobs. The good news is that Trump just signed an update to the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which will give states more authority to determine how the $1.2 billion federal grant program will spend their funds.
Surprisingly, both Democrats and Republicans supported this legislation. I think everyone sees that today’s job market is changing and we need to give our students training skills to be competitive in this growing economy. The goal is to provide technical training for high school and college students to rebuild the middle class while focusing on the needs of both small and large employers in America. Let’s hope that these programs really do consider demographics and industry trends as they develop career training programs for our students.