Use a Swiffer? Use This Tip to Save Money and Protect the Environment! - Merit Educational Consultants

Use a Swiffer? Use This Tip to Save Money and Protect the Environment!

I like clean hardwood floors, but with 2 giant puppies that roll around the hillside and bring in what seems like piles of dirt, it’s impossible to keep the floors clean for long.  I’ve tried every kind of mop on the market and they’re either cumbersome to use or they require disposable pads that go against my environmental philosophy. 

Considering that I need to mop a couple times a day, I preferred the Swiffer because it is lightweight and easy to use – don’t need any heavy buckets. But, the ridiculous design requires you to throw away your Swiffer sheet after each use! I refused to succumb to adding more waste to the landfill and lining Proctor & Gamble with weekly repeat sales. Replacement sheets cost about .25.  For me, that would be $180/year!

My solution = use reusable sheets!

By cutting up a couple of old towels and sheets, I have a month’s supply of sheets that I can reuse for years!  It didn’t cost me a penny and they actually work better than the Swiffer sheets!  My “new” old towel sheets are heavier so they pick up sand and debris, and they clean up spills in a jiff!

I’m so excited to have solved my Swiffer dilemma that I have made reusable sheets for my girls too!  Not sure they’ll be as excited as I am, but I’m glad that we’ll all be sending a little less to the landfills and saving a few dollars.