Two Easy Ways to Reduce Your Water Usage - Merit Educational Consultants

Two Easy Ways to Reduce Your Water Usage

Living in California in one of the worst droughts in history is worrisome. Even though we’ve had a lot of rain this year, it’s all thanks to El Nino.  

Our water tables are low and farmers have pumped so much water that land masses are buckling and surface patches are sinking.  Don’t be fooled by seeing rivers and lakes at normal levels this year because the real problem is the vast reservoirs beneath the surface.  So what can you do?  Use the water from your tap TWICE before it goes down the drain.  Here are 2 easy ways to save between 3-6 gallons of water per person each day.

#1: Sinks
Capture the water you run while you’re waiting for the warm water in your tap.  In your bathroom, place a plastic tub or bucket under your faucet to catch the water as you brush your teeth and wash your face. In the kitchen, place a pitcher or bucket to catch the water while you wash veggies or rinse dishes.  

When the buckets fill up, water plants or fill up buckets in the bathroom to flush toilets later.

#2: Showers
Fill up buckets as you wait for the hot water before showering.  Depending on where your hot water heater is located, it may take 1-2 gallons of water before the water is warm enough to step into your shower.  Then, as you shower, place a bucket in front of you and one behind you to capture water as you wash your hair.  With my long hair, I can fill up 3 buckets of water just to wash my hair!

When I’m done with my shower, I use these buckets to flush the toilet all day and night. I don’t use any domestic water to flush the toilet!

You can buy 1-gallon buckets at a dollar store and create this water-saving system for under $10.  So lather up and capture your water.  You’ll reduce the water you use and possibly prevent $500 water fines!