Gakkomom Pal Tim Niemier founded Ocean Kayak in 1971, after coming up with the concept of a sit-on-top kayak by taking the idea of a surfboard and carving out an area to sit and an area to store gear. He’s written a new book called “The Millionaire Beach Bum“, which is about how he turned his ADD into the engine that drove his work and career, and he is now sharing what he’s learned with the world. The following is an excerpt from his new book:
I grew up knowing I was different and was less able in some areas but focused on the areas where I excelled. I used those ADDvantages to create the company Ocean Kayak and introduce the sit on top kayak to the world while having the time of my life making millions.
According to
Thom Hartmann it is the difference between hunters and farmers. ADDers are in a way the hunters who can’t focus on doing repetitive farmer type work right in front of them, but are always scanning the horizon for something the farmers never notice. Then, like a (seemingly) lazy cat they spring into action and can go all-out with incredible endurance to get the prize.
For me I found the academic world to be two-dimensional, where I always thought in 3D like sculpture or shaping kayaks. I could visualize the end of even my whole kayak business before I even started. Having the pressure to make decisions quickly meant there was no time to get distracted.
Time for me was something that had to keep slapping me in the face to move quickly and decisively. Getting a network of people who were good at focusing to surround me in the business and managing to keep them paid made the team unstoppable. I sold my Ocean Kayak company but still have the goal of putting a billion butts in boats or boards (like
Thom Hartmann presents a case that since we know this personality type is genetic there must be a gene responsible. Thom calls it the “Edison Gene” after Thomas Edison. Now with genetic research that gene seems to be located and may have appeared about 40,000 years ago. At that time the climate was changing rapidly and dramatically and the humans that were willing to get up and go somewhere new survived while those that didn’t move didn’t survive. My family has had major moves at least 5 times in 6 generations.
What to do for you or your kids? Should you put them on meds? Can you survive? I do innovation coaching and speaking for companies, schools and individuals. I have mentored many kids like myself to help them find their special 3D strengths and teach them how to deal with a two-dimensional world.