I don’t mean to “throw shade” on text messaging — well, actually, I do. Maybe everyone’s lives really are so busy that we don’t have time to enjoy one another anymore. But, I wonder if the act of sending texts is just another cop-out. Do we send text messages so we don’t have to actually TALK or be SOCIAL? Is it safer to send a short quip and duck out of the line of fire by using our smartphones?
That would be a YES…
I find that people I used to talk to on the phone or drop by to visit are difficult to get a hold of. They don’t answer calls personally but return phone calls with truncated text messages. At first, I thought they had a problem with me, but after talking with them (actually cornering them about this) they confessed that they have been anti-social and have shut out the world. We’re encouraging a world of antisocial behavior. With text messaging, one could actually cut off all real communication and nobody would be the wiser. Texting allows you to present any persona you want — you don’t have to reveal the real you!
The bottom line:
What was created to improve communication by developing a “shorthand” language/spelling has actually (for many people) created seclusion and withdrawal from social activities. People even text each other when they’re in the same room! When they’re out socializing in the real world, their faces are buried in their phones as they send text messages to their other friends telling them about the “great time” they’re having when they really aren’t engaging in anything but putting out a facade about their social life. Letting other people WHO AREN’T ACTUALLY THERE know what you’re up to becomes more important than what you’re ACTUALLY up to.
And who’s teaching English grammar, writing mechanics, and spelling to our youth? When they write things like “OK IDK FWIW IMHO RTFM ROTFLMAO JK ILY TTFN” instead of “Okay, I don’t know, for what it’s worth, in my humble opinion, read the effing manual! Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off. Just kidding. I love you. Ta ta for now.”, I’m not sure how these kids are going to make it through college!
So please, let’s put away the smartphones and enjoy the people/world around us. After all, life is short and nothing makes me happier than to talk with good friends and let our conversations interconnect us in new ways.