I remember in the not-too-distant past when programming (AKA coding) was something that only “nerds” and super geniuses could do.
So it doesn’t come as a surprise to me that parents might think that coding could only be done by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) kids when they’re in high school or even college.
But, that’s not true! Programming, like foreign languages, should be introduced to young kids when their brains can easily be taught new concepts.
You can choose from several games and programs designed to introduce young minds to programming.
Check out this article: Teaching your kids how to write computer programs.
Or just google it! The bottom line is that your child will benefit from understanding how to code, and that it’s best to introduce problem solving skills while they are young.
Don’t let your fear of programming stop your child from exploring its many possibilities. Besides, they’ll probably love it!
Source: [marshallbrain.com]