Solution to Child Care Problems - Merit Educational Consultants

Solution to Child Care Problems

Still stressing out about child care for your infant, toddlers, or school-aged kids? I was in your shoes (many moons ago) and I, too, fretted about how to give my girls an enriching experience while I worked during the day. I’ve written several blogs about how to beat the child care game and give your child the best care while you work.

When my eldest daughter was 18 months old, I set up a preschool program right in my home for my daughter and another girl the same age. After my youngest daughter was born 4 years later, I set up 2 programs (one for each of them) where they had a few playmates and a wonderful teacher who entertained them all day.  

The best part for them: my girls spent their days doing exciting art projects, science experiments, and games galore – and they learned to read before they turned 3! They loved their program and they didn’t have the stress of having to pack up and head out early in the morning.  Instead, they got to eat breakfast in their PJs, enjoy their preschool programs with friends for 4 hours, and take naps in their very own beds.  

The best part for me: I got to choose the materials and teachers, set up the rules, and it was free! The other children’s tuition paid all of the expenses so I saved thousands of dollars each month!  And, the teacher also cleaned the house, did my laundry, and made dinner every night!  Yes, this really did happen and I did this for 9 years.

I know it sounds too good to be true, and that is why I wrote the book The Working Mother’s Guide to Free Child Care in Your Home! Stop stressing about how you’re going to afford quality child care and set up your own program.  It’s easy to do and your kids will love you for it.