Smoking = Permanent Gene Mutations = Cancer - Merit Educational Consultants

Smoking = Permanent Gene Mutations = Cancer

We’ve been told that cigarettes cause lung cancer for decades, but a new gene-mapping study by Mike Stratton from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, U.K. found that people who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day (20 cigarettes) will have 150 mutations in EACH LUNG CELL every year.  With over 70 known carcinogens in today’s cigarettes, smoking damages the genome and increases the risk of at least 17 classes of cancer because it damages the DNA in organs that are both directly and indirectly exposed to the smoke.

Even “social smokers” who might smoke as little as 4-to-5 packs of cigarettes in their lifetime will still get several mutations in every cell in their lungs permanently – even if they stop smoking.  Yikes!

Share this article with your kids so they completely understand the science behind why they shouldn’t experiment with smoking.  Then show them videos of the horrors of those with cancer caused by smoking. This video shows the top 40 scariest anti-smoking commercials.  It’s graphic but might be just what kids need to see in order to see the truth behind smoking.

Here are other videos:
