Smells Like A Witch Hunt - Merit Educational Consultants

Smells Like A Witch Hunt

Ever since the presidential election, I feel like I’m living in a surreal world – like a bad dream that I just can’t shake.  Every day we’re bombarded with shocking news about Trump’s picks for important positions in his cabinet. 

Sometimes I wonder if he’s doing this just to make us feel so overwhelmed that we do nothing, or if he’s doing this just before the holidays because we’re distracted.  But when I heard that Trump actually asked for a list of Department of Energy (DOE) employees who have done anything on climate change (attended meetings, conducted research, worked on projects), that creeped me out!  This smells a bit like the Salem Witch Hunts or the communist red scare of McCarthyismI really didn’t think Trump would proactively fire employees who were pro-climate change in our DOE.  Wow!

But I am glad that the DOE is refusing to release this information.  Well, it’s a temporary fix but it shows that “We the People” are not going to put up with this insanity!  This is a time where we need to get out of our comfort zones and stand up to this incoming-administration’s agenda before they rush us into catastrophic disasters that we will not be able to reverse.
