As seniors contemplate which colleges to apply to, naturally they talk to their friends, teachers, counselors, and family.
Everyone has an opinion about why you should apply to their alma mater, and you can learn a lot about colleges from their alumni.
During the application process, students often share their horror stories about writing essays, asking for letters of recommendation, and filling out online applications. After all, misery loves company, and this is certainly true at this stressful time.
While it’s important to reach out to others when searching for colleges, that’s where the sharing should end. Thank your friends and family for their advice but DON’T TELL THEM WHICH COLLEGES YOU DECIDE TO APPLY TO! I know this sounds socially awkward, especially since you’ve all confided in one another through the exploration process but here’s why it’s not a good idea to tell everyone your college list.
Every time you get that little envelope or that email declining you admission, you will have to TELL ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE THAT THE COLLEGE DENIED YOUR ADMISSION. Why? Because they will ask you, and then they’ll tell everyone they know. See where I’m going with this? It’s painful enough to be rejected from the college of your dreams or even colleges that you sort of wanted to go to. Nobody likes being denied admission and every senior worries that they may not get into their top colleges on their lists.
At some high schools, every student knows every SAT/ACT scores, GPA, and college admissions and denials of the whole class. Imagine that? One of my clients burst into tears when she told me that she didn’t get into her #1 college. She didn’t want to go to school the next day because she didn’t want to face all of her friends and teachers waiting to hear whether or not she got in. With social media today, news travels fast and the repercussions can be devastating.
So when you’re asked which colleges you applied to, tell them “I applied everywhere and my college advisor made me promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone where I applied!” This way, you can come to terms with rejections and acceptances on your terms. After all, it’s a very private decision. When you receive the decisions from all of the colleges and choose where you will spend the next 4 years, make your announcement with pure joy and excitement – no regrets. Remember, mum’s the word!