Say No to Vinyl; Save Your House! - Merit Educational Consultants

Say No to Vinyl; Save Your House!

In 2020, over 18,000 structures were burned in wildfires across the country. These fires are often caused by small individual embers and not just engulfed by direct flame contact. As a result, the building materials used can be the difference between protecting a home and losing it to fire. Anush Anand identifies the problem with vinyl products and illustrates the risk homeowners take when relying on vinyl through statistics, reasoning, and a demonstration. He also discusses solutions and proposes potential legislation to have a positive, long-lasting impact on home protection in the future.

About Anush Anand:
Anush Anand is a high school senior in Sunnyvale, California and enjoys community service, soccer, and Boy Scouts. He also competes in FBLA and Robotics and works as a youth soccer referee. Anush hopes to dramatically reduce the vinyl used in home protection and plans on continuing to advocate for fire prevention.