Rice Krispies Treat Turkey - Merit Educational Consultants

Rice Krispies Treat Turkey

It’s time for more fun with Rice Krispies!  I should be getting a commission for promoting their products… This gooey Rice Krispies and marshmallow mixture is the ideal sculpting media! 
This was my first attempt at making a turkey, and I already have ideas for next year’s version.
I used the same ingredients that I used for the Rice Krispies Treat Witch
It’s really simple to make.  
Here are the basic instructions:
1. Use a plastic container for the base so you can use less Rice Krispies.  
2. Place about 1 inch of the Rice Krispies Treat mixture over the base to form the turkey body.
3. Using a plastic fork, break off the tines, and the wrap it with Rice Krispies Treats to form the turkey head and neck.  Press hard so the Rice Krispies Treats don’t fall apart. 
4. Place the fork into the turkey body; try to set it perpendicular to the table so it won’t fall over. 
5. Place 2 round candies for eyes. 
6. To create the turkey feathers, roll Rice Krispies Treats around a wooden chopstick. Make 8 feathers.
7. Place candies into the feather to give it color.
8. Cut fruit roll ups in thin ¼” strips to decorate the feathers. 
9. Use toothpicks to hold the feathers together by inserting them through 2 consecutive feathers. 
10. Use entire sheets of fruit roll ups behind the turkey feathers to hold them together.  Press the fruit roll ups firmly into the Rice Krispies Treats to create a bond. 
11. Wrap the turkey in plastic wrap and refrigerate until Thanksgiving dinner!
Have fun decorating the feathers with sprinkles, hard candies and candy corn.  
Post photos of your Rice Krispies Treat turkeys to share with us!