Here are 3 easy steps to organize and plot out steps to reaching your goals!
New Year’s Resolution? Yah right. For most people, it’s a pipe dream. But New Year’s Resolutions usually don’t happen because everyone set lofty goals WITHOUT A PLAN! So here are 3 easy steps to make your New Year’s Resolutions part of your life. Not just temporarily, but until you actually reach your goals!
Step One: Write it down
My good friend Tim Niemier once told me that you need to write down your goals in order to make them come true. At first, I thought he was a little wacky, but then again, he had a goal to make sit-on-top kayaks and sold Ocean Kayak for a small fortune! Hmmm. But I’m actually advocating that you write down your goal in your planner. In other words, pick the date you would like to actualize your dream or goal and write it down on that date. That’s right, just write it down.
Step Two: Block off time to do each phase
After you write down your goal on an actual date, then make a list of all of the steps you need to take to reach that goal. For instance, if you want to build a greenhouse, then make a list of the general steps you need to take to complete it. The list might look something like this: (1) design greenhouse; (2) layout measurements; (3) organize materials list; (4) create a budget; (5) order materials; (6) lay foundation; (7) build framework; (8) add windows and glass; (9) install doors; and (10) install shelves. Then WRITE DOWN WHEN YOU WILL DO EACH OF THESE PHASES. Take into consideration your job, family, and other commitments but block off time to get it done.
Step Three: Reward yourself along the way
As you complete each phase, highlight it in your planner. That’ll give you a feeling of accomplishment. If you miss one step, then move it to another time that works for you. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Life happens and you need to be flexible. As you consider your tasks for each day, you may need to say no to other activities in order to stick to your goal. That’s why it’s nice to have it written down in your planner.
So get the new planner for next year and get started now! It’s simple. Just WRITE IT DOWN. Write your goal and each step in your planner; you’ll be surprised by how easy it is to reach it by your deadline! Let me know how this works for you!