Eat Your Veggies and Prevent the Flu! - Merit Educational Consultants

Eat Your Veggies and Prevent the Flu!

It’s flu season and it’s time to eat your fruits and veggies!  Yup, EAT your fruits and veggies, not drink them or take them in supplements. 

Just read this interesting article from NPR’s Shots Health News that promotes tossing the supplements and eating your veggies and fruits.  When drinking juices, it’s difficult to determine when you’ve taken in enough nutrients and you can consume too many calories.  Too many calories can cause obesity, which lowers your immune system.  Oh that vicious cycle!  And, yes, get your flu and pertussis shots, wash your hands, and stay away from sick people. 

I actually use Clorox Wipes on door knobs, light switches, and faucets in my offices to kill germs.  Okay, I know that sounds crazy but I haven’t had the flu in years!
