Before your college-bound high school grads indulge in summer relaxation, make sure they ask their high school guidance counselors to send their final transcripts to their colleges.
Most counselors head off for summer vacations a few weeks after school is out so do this now. Colleges need confirmation that students have successfully graduated with no grades below a C-. The counselors are responsible for sending the transcripts but sometimes they don’t know which colleges your kids will be attending in the fall.
Avoid 11th-hour crises of needing transcripts from counselors who are out of the office until August by talking to the counselors now. Most colleges need the transcripts by July 15th, but some are now requesting them by July 1st.
If your grad received grades lower than C-, they will need to contact their colleges now to give them a heads up. Each college has their own policies on grades below a C- so check first, and then place the call or write an email. It’s best to have this discussion with the college BEFORE they receive their transcripts. Most likely, the student will be placed on probation for the first term. If they have received scholarships, contact financial aid to make sure that scholarship dollars are not withdrawn.
Congratulations on your kids’ graduations!