My glucose numbers have been well within “normal” and my docs have told me that I’m the ideal patient. So what happened to me while in Las Vegas is what my nutritionist, Shoshanah Orzech, calls the perfect storm. I’ve been really good about sticking to my paleo diet. Shoshanah says that I’ve fine tuned my body so it runs like a Ferrari (not to be confused with looking like one!). No gluten, no grains, no dairy, no sugar and no legumes. And 29 hours in Vegas almost ruined everything!
As you know, getting to the airport was a harrowing experience, so when I arrived, I bought a bowl of delicious and comforting pea soup. Unfortunately, I completely forgot that peas are legumes – Oops! – and I inhaled the soup quickly as I boarded my flight. [Diabetic Demerit: 1]
After my presentation, I was super thirsty, so I gulped the only non-alcoholic drink I could find…which was (unfortunately) sugary lemonade. [Diabetic Demerit: 1]
Then, starving and wanting to treat myself after my presentation, I ordered a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich and FRIES. I was already full after just a few bites but I went ahead and ate the ENTIRE MEAL. [Diabetic Demerit: 5, and the Ferrari is on fire.]
When I woke up the next morning, my sternum throbbed and I was sure I was having a heart attack. I texted my daughter Nicole, an ER doctor, and asked her what I should do. As always, she suggested that I go to the Emergency Room, but I thought otherwise… I had 25 meetings lined up with international agents from 9:00 am until 5:30 pm – I couldn’t miss those! When I arrived at the conference, I wanted an egg but all they had were yummy baked goods. So I ate a muffin and had a cup of coffee – something I never eat or drink. [Diabetic Demerit: 1]
I was thrilled by the interest in Merit Academy and didn’t notice my discomfort. During lunch, I was proud of myself for not eating the white bread and croissants and just ate the delicious tri-tip. I even ate a salad! [Diabetic Demerit: -1, and a gold star!]
However, I couldn’t stand idly by and let my colleagues eat all of the gourmet desserts, so I caved in. I’m not even sure what those tasty, creamy delights were, but I’m sure they were pure white sugar and white flour. [Diabetic Demerit: 3]
I met such interesting people from all around the world. The time zipped by and when my last meeting ended, I realized that I had just 10 minutes to check out of my room and catch the shuttle (yup, the same company that had an accident on the way to the hotel the day before). That’s when my body started talking to me REALLY LOUDLY.
The ache in my sternum dropped to my abdomen, but I was still worried that I might be having a heart attack. In my delirious state of mind, I started thinking about how to find the UNLV Medical School and weighing the odds of me making it to Stanford’s ER (where many of Nicole’s classmates work). The pain was excruciating (for my level of excruciating, anyway – I can’t type with a paper cut, and there was also this time when I wouldn’t allow an ER doc to remove my bandage for 3 hours). So, I took 4 baby aspirin because I thought that that was a smart thing to do and then I downed some Tums. No improvement. [NOT A DOCTOR Demerit: 12]
When I finally landed in San Jose, I decided that I had indigestion (Did you know that I am a doctor? Seriously, doctors keep saying that to me). I decided not to go to Stanford and instead I drove home while gobbling even more Tums. I never knew that indigestion could be so painful. After checking online to see what home remedies could help deal with the acid trapped in my gut, I gulped a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar – yum! Actually, that was the worst tasting thing ever, but surprisingly, it gave me quick relief.
The next morning, I met with Shoshanah to see what caused this unbelievably painful and scary scenario. I needed another plan. We reviewed my food diary and she told me that I need a travel kit to help me when I am out of my element. She’s right, I will have my apple cider vinegar, nut balls, and a test kit so I can ward off future episodes of indigestion caused by eating ALL OF THE WRONG THINGS in a 24-hour period. But better yet, maybe I just won’t even go crazy like that again…