Curses: Foiled Again! - Merit Educational Consultants

Curses: Foiled Again!

As we prepare for big holiday meals this year, don’t wrap your yams and potatoes (or anything else) in aluminum foil!  Yup. According to researchers at the American University of Sharjah, the neurotoxic nature of foil negatively affects brain functioning and may trigger the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Foil also impacts bones by leading to loss of calcium.  And even worse, it can cause pulmonary fibrosis and other respiratory issues.

Cooking with aluminum foil may contaminate food with up to 400 mg of aluminum. The higher the temperature, the more leaching.  Acidic foods like tomatoes, citric juices, or spices are the worst because they absorb the most aluminum.  On the other hand, foods cooked in salt or alcohol absorb the least amount of aluminum.

According to the World Health Organization, just 40 mg of aluminum is safe to ingest daily.  Food wrapped in aluminum might have 6 times that amount. So for this holiday season, bake your potatoes in Pyrex dishes!
