I read this interesting article about happiness — something I think we all aspire to achieve — about a Harvard professor’s research that found that success doesn’t bring happiness, but happiness brings success. So all of you who chase the promotion, raise, relationship, or ideal weight to be happy… according to Shawn Achor, you’ve got it all backwards. Say what?
He found 4 simple things you can do to be happy NOW, and success will follow suit. I think he’s on to something. Check these out:
#1: See problems as challenges, not threats
You really can’t stop problems from arising, right? So if a problem is a threat to you, you’ll become defensive and probably focus on future doom and gloom. Is this resonating with you? If so, this will increase your stress-related symptoms. Something you don’t want to do. But on the other hand, if you consider your problems as challenges instead of threats, you could use your creative juices to find solutions by actively engaging in innovative ways to solve the problems. In the process, you’ll be happier because you’re engaged in fixing the problem — not wallowing in it, and as a result, you’ll be more successful.
#2: Seek social connections to increase academic achievement
Contrary to popular belief, students who isolate themselves in libraries or dorm rooms to deal with stressful academic environments (midterms or finals), actually perform worse than their counterparts. Yup. They are more likely to burn out, drop out, or transfer to a different school. So instead of becoming a miserable hermit during finals, increase your social activity in the middle of stress. Having this social interaction is the greatest predictor of happiness. If you want to reduce stress, increase productivity, and get that A or promotion, then don’t just seek social support, provide it to others. According to Wharton professor Adam Grant, people who provide social support get some of the greatest benefits.
#3: Send a “Thank You” email every morning
By writing and sending a 2-minute email or text praising or thanking someone will increase your social connection, and therefore increase your happiness. This improves teamwork, office or team morale, and of course, increases success. Reach out to a different person every day for 21 days and you’ll be amazed by the responses you’ll receive from everyone. What goes around, comes around!
#4: Organize your 20-second rule
If numbers 1 through 3 make sense to you, the biggest obstacle you’re probably facing is motivation to do them. Right? So they came up with #4 to give you the “activation energy” to do them. By setting yourself up to get started on all of the above AHEAD OF TIME, you’ll be more likely to do them. Right? You know your biggest hurdles, so outsmart yourself! If you don’t think you’ll write those emails every morning, open your email the night before and start the email: “Hey David, Just wanted to …”. Leave that up on your screen so when you arrive in the morning, it’ll be the first thing you do — after your first cup of coffee, of course! Just set yourself up to do the things by outsmarting yourself.
Even if you’re predisposed to suffer from depression because it’s genetic, this study suggests that changing your mindset and habits can actually make you happier and more successful. So incorporate these 4 tips into your daily routine by making them good habits. This Harvard professor believes that doing these things to make you happy might trump genetics. And all of this without drugs or years of therapy!