If you’ve been offered a place on a college waiting list, don’t hold your breath! This year, colleges have offered more students on their waiting list than their entire freshman class size. Brown University admitted 2,566 students to fill 1,719 spaces for their freshman class this fall. Considering this is an elite Ivy League college, they should easily receive deposits for all of these spaces. Right? Well then why did they offer an additional 2,724 students a place on their waiting list?
Brown isn’t alone. Just about every college offers waiting list. Not only do colleges want to unsure that they have a full class of freshmen but these waiting lists give colleges the stats to keep their admit rates low. Many families rank their colleges choices by admit rates – the more difficult it is to get in, the more desirable it becomes. Simple supply and demand.
Some of these colleges have waiting lists with over 3,000 students but they admit only 20. Odds don’t look good. But colleges do want to know if you would attend if admitted, so letting them know that you would accept their offer off the waiting list could improve your chances of getting in. Good luck, and check out the source link below for a fantastic table of colleges with waiting lists, how many students are on them, what percentage are admitted, etc.: