As the sole superpower in the world, I would hope that America would lead the way in preventing continued, and worsening, rising temperatures caused by man-made releases of CO2.
It seems like social media is the only real way to reach people with news that will directly affect them. The oligarchy that runs this nation certainly doesn’t allow the press to honestly state the scary facts about climate change.
I read an abstract recently and feel more than ever that our next president of the United States needs to lead us out of this impending path of destruction. Greenland’s ice sheet is melting, and it’s feeding on itself. This is the positive feedback loop that I blogged about in “Do Your Part for Earth Day: Don’t Drive Tomorrow!”
I can’t believe there isn’t a major panic happening worldwide with this news. We, as a civilization, simply don’t have enough time to allow the oil companies and government (oligarchy) to use up every last drop of oil and then frack the h**l out of the earth to release methane so they can squeeze billions of dollars in profits before they actually develop a real infrastructure for clean renewable fuels.
It’s going to take a revolution – a groundswell – to quickly move to an energy source that drastically reduces the CO2 released every day.